Cavern State Park, south of Burnet in Burnet County, is 645.62 acres classified
as a scenic park in the rugged Hill Country. Longhorn Cavern was acquired in 1932 - 1937
from private owners. It was dedicated a state park in 1932, was opened in 1938 and was
dedicated as a natural landmark in 1971.
The cave was first formed when the
ground levels of water began to drop. As this downward movement occurred, the water began
to dissolve the limestone. This downward drainage continued until great underground stream
beds were cut out of solid rock. It is this unusual combination of dissolving and cutting
by water that makes Longhorn Cavern one of the most unique caves of the world.
History: The
cave has been used as a shelter since prehistoric times. Among legends about the cave is
one that the outlaw Sam Bass hid a $2 million cache of stolen money inside. Confederates
made gunpowder in the cave during the Civil War. Legend also says Texas Rangers rescued a
kidnapped girl from Indians in the cave.
Activities: The park features historical and nature study. Located in the heart of the
Highland Lakes, Longhorn Cavern is near four different lakes and communities that offer
excellent opportunities in camping, fishing, and hunting.

Tours: Longhorn Cavern offers guided tours every day of the week. Tours last about an
hour and twenty five minutes. On site guides lead you through the cavern narrating
historical and geologic facts.
Wear Comfortable Rubber Soled Shoes.
For tour schedules and pricing, please visit our website
Facilities: Facilities
include a gift shop, a snack bar, a picnic area, and 2 miles of
hiking trails. The park is open for day-use only. An exhibit of Civilian Conservation Corps work done in the Texas
State Parks System is on display in the original administration building;
no entry fee for park grounds; access to cavern is by paid guided tour
The terrain consists of hills and sandy, red, black waxy soils; cedar, and other trees.
Elevation: Elevation ranges from 779 to 1585 feet. Weather:
Average rainfall is 30.4 and January minimum is 33 degrees and July maximum is 98 degrees.
Attractions: Nearby parks include Inks Lake
and Pedernales Falls State Parks; Enchanted Rock State Natural Area; and the Lyndon B. Johnson State Park and Historic Site.
Directions: Longhorn Cavern
State Park is located 6 miles west and 6 miles south of Burnet, Texas on Park Road 4, off
US Highway 281.
For more details, call the park.
Current weather conditions can vary from day to day. For more information on parks in the
area, call
6211 Park Road 4 S
Burnet, TX 78611
Visit ourwebsite for more information