ACCESS/CAMPING - (See Boating for Ramps and Marinas)
Public access to Inks Lake is available through Inks Lake
State Park which borders approximately one-third of the eastern shoreline. A two-lane
boat ramp is available at the park along with a lighted fishing pier and plenty of
shoreline access. Camping is available at the park, along with many other recreational
opportunities. Because of the park's popularity it is a good idea to make
reservations well in advance if you would like to camp there.
The LCRA (512) 473-4083 offers a map of the lake.
The US Fish & Wildlife Service operates a fish hatchery near Inks Dam. Inks Dam National Fish Hatchery
plays a pivotal role in restoring Gulf Coast striped bass to the northern Gulf of Mexico
and some of its tributaries. The Gulf Coast striped bass is an important sport and
commercial fish, but has become severely depleted from loss of habitat and overfishing.
Leading-edge fish culture techniques employed at
Inks Dam should ensure that released striped bass are well equipped to face the rigors of
the wild.
The Inks Dam facility also helps restore paddlefish
populations in the Mississippi River basin, and raises largemouth bass and channel catfish
for sport fishing.
All fish are currently regulated under statewide
regulations, with the exception of white bass, which has a 12-inch minumum length
limit. The 12 inch minimum for white bass is designed to protect females from harvest
before they reach sexual maturity.
Species |
Poor |
Fair |
Good |
Excellent |
Bass |

Catfish |

Crappie |

Bass |

Sunfish |
