Highland Lakes Sunset

The Lakes and Hills of the Highland Lakes, in the heart of the Central Texas Hill Country, is the ideal destination for a day, a weekend, or a lifetime.  Adventure, recreation, fun in the sun and hill country hospitality await you in every Highland Lakes community.   We invite you to come enjoy Lake Buchanan, Inks Lake, Lake LBJ, Lake Marble Falls, the Colorado River, the Llano River, hundreds of things to do, places to shop, eat and sleep.   With over 1,800 square miles of lakes and hills, the Highland Lakes region is one of the largest playgrounds in Texas.



City of Llano Chamber of Commerce

Leifeste Ranch for Fly Fishing

CASTELL, TEXAS is located just north of Llano on the Llano River.


CASTELL GENERAL STORE: 325-247-4100; Hwy 153, Castell, TX 76831; real estate, beer, bait, ammo, feed, groceries, antiques, and kayak rentals. BBQ on Saturdays.  Castell received a lot of publicity recently from a U-Tube posting about their famous rooster CockARoo, who recently died.  See Video1 and Video2

LLANO RIVER: kayaking and fishing.  Annual Kayak Race first weekend in June.   Fly fishing year-round.  Gold panning!

Great Castell Kayak Race

Kayaking on the Llano River


HISTORY: "Castell was established in 1847 on the north side of the Llano River by German immigrants under the auspices of the Adelsverein They were led from Fredericksburg by Count Emil von Kriewitz to a site selected by John O. Meusebach to comply with the terms of the Fisher-Miller land grant, which the organization had acquired. The town was named for Count Carl Frederick Castell-Castell, business manager of the Adelsverein. Other Adelsverein settlements-Leiningen, Bettina, and Schoenburg-were established at the same time but did not survive. In 1872 a post office was established on the south side of the Llano River, where the community has since been centered. The site held the first church services in the region, conducted by Rev. Charles A. Grote in 1852. Castell has remained a center of religious activity. The local Methodist and Lutheran churches date their founding from that year. By 1972 the ranching and recreational community had declined to a population of seventy-two, mainly descendants of the original German settlers."








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Revised February 06, 2013
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