Horseshoe Bay is planning a two-day Happy Birthday America
celebration for Independence Day 2010. Festivities begin the morning of July 3 with a land
parade and conclude the evening of July 4 with a fireworks spectacular. Attendees can also
enjoy a boat parade, outdoor entertainment and patriotic program. Saturdays
activities conclude with an awards ceremony for contest winners.
The fun starts with the land parade beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday at High Circle South and
15th Green Drive. The parade route will proceed north on Horseshoe Bay Boulevard to High
Circle North, around the circle and past the Marriott to Red Sail. Leading the procession
will be the VFW Honor Guard, followed by parade Grand Marshal Alyce Duncan.

At Quail Point after the land parade beginning at 9:30 a.m., Saturdays celebration
will continue with outdoor entertainment that includes fun for young and old alike, from
face painting and costume contests to relay races, raffles, food, and a patriotic program.
Food service will begin at 11 a.m. at Quail Point with hot dogs, pop corn, lemonade,
watermelon and other traditional 4th of July treats. Vendors will continue food sales
until 2 p.m.
Sailors and ship captains will assemble their crafts at Jonathan Cove at 10:30 a.m. for
one of the celebrations most colorful events. The boat parade will depart at 10:45
a.m. and sail past Quail Point about 11:15 a.m.

Starting at about 11:45 a.m., a patriotic program and entertainment will begin on the
Quail Point basketball court with a flag salute and posting of colors. Following an
opening prayer and introductions by Horseshoe Bay Property Owners Association President
Tom Schmersahl, Church at Horseshoe Bay Music Minister Larry Sherwood will sing the
National Anthem. Horseshoe Bay resident Peter Jones will lead the Pledge of Allegiance,
followed by recognition of veterans and troops by Church at Horseshoe Bay Senior Pastor
Pete Christy. The patriotic program will conclude with the singing of God Bless
Sunday the
celebration will continue at dusk at the Horseshoe Bay Yacht Club with a fireworks
spectacular courtesy of the City of Horseshoe Bay and Horseshoe Bay Resort.


The Llano Rock'n Riverfest is July 3 through July 5
celebrating Independence Day and the Llano River. The two day festival features an
Arts and Craft Fair, Food, the Rock'n 4wheel King of the Hill, Children's fun park, Miss
Sparkle Contest, Car Show, BBQ cookoff, Fish Fry, Street Dance and Fireworks Display.
Come join us for MORE FUN THAN IS IMAGINABLE at the
5th Annual Rock'n Riverfest on the beautiful Llano River featuring the "Rock'n Craft
Fair", "4 Wheel King of the Hill" at Toyland, Children's Fun Park, Little
Miss Sparkle Pageant, Open Car Show, Kid's Fishing, Bassmasters "Casting
Kids", "Bud Lockhart Memorial" BBQ Cook-off, Rock'n Car Bash, "United
Freestyle" Stunt Team Shows, Rubber Duck Race, Silent
Auction, "Red Top" Jail Tours, Miniature Boat Races, Mechanical Bull Riding &
Competition, LVFD Hose Off,
Washer & Horseshoe Tournament, Children's Patriotic Parade, Karoke, Fish Fry, Fajita
Dinner After Church on Sunday, Street Dance featuring Bode Barker & Friends , Dance
Llano is located at the intersection the Texas
State Highways 16, 29 and 71 on the Llano River approximately 70 miles west of Austin.
Established in 1856, Llano is known for it's Hospitality, Scenery, Antique Stores,
Historic Buildings, Whitetail Deer, Fishing, BBQ, Cowboys and Cattle.
The Llano Rock'n Riverfest is a project of the Llano Christmas Lighting Committee. For
additional information contact the City of Llano at (325) 247-4158

2006 Little Miss Sparkle Contest
